Pegasus CRS - Refundable Rates

Maximize your bookings with Expedia Group deals through Cendyn CRS

Are you looking for new ways to attract more travelers and increase your bookings? Look to further than Expedia Group Package Deals, seamlessly integrated with Cendyn CRS. These all-inclusive booking options combine at least two of the three major travel products: flights, lodging, and car rentals, providing travelers with a streamlined experience and exclusive discounts.

Expedia Group package travelers bring a wealth of advantages to your business:

  • Global Appeal: International travelers are three times more likely to opt for Expedia Group packages, with 40% more trips, a 29% higher daily rate and a 33% longer stay.
  • Widen your reach: according to Expedia Group’s first-party data, half of all package bookings in 2022 were international, with 20% of these originating from mobile devices.
  • Irresistible value: packages stand out as one of the most enticing offers for travelers. In a recent Expedia Group Traveler Value Index report, 32% of respondents identified discounts on booking packages as the most appealing type of offer.

Easy integration with Cendyn CRS

Discover the simplicity and flexibility of setting up package rates on Expedia Group through Cendyn CRS:

  1. Streamlined Setup: On Cendyn CRS, creating package rate plans or promotional offerings is straightforward. Tailor these plans to specific markets, booking windows, lengths of stay, and date ranges.
  2. Maintain Rate Integrity: Expedia Group travelers only see the total package price, ensuring that you can offer discounts without affecting your public or published rates.

Get started today

Expedia users using Cendyn CRS can effortlessly set up package rates through Expedia Partner Central. Click here to kickstart your journey and witness the booking boost.


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