Synchronize: Real-time data intelligence to view the most accurate picture of your data throughout the day

View the most accurate picture of your data throughout the day

Historical information is important for revenue managers, but real-time information can be deemed equally, if not more important. In today’s market especially, hotels are fighting to sell every room at the highest price possible, but no matter the situation, hoteliers need to be able to forecast accurately, price with certainty and make quick, agile decisions. Synchronize is the latest Guestrev RMS feature designed to provide current reservation data and foresight to monitor and optimize every segment of your business throughout the day.

Systems typically run a standard nightly PMS optimization cycle that gathers current on-the-books data and then runs an optimization based on that. However, one could argue that this one-time run may not be enough. Synchronize intraday refresh automatically pulls PMS reservation data at a predefined frequency and displays those updates in Guestrev. These continuous updates enable you to look at the most current picture of your data outside of the standard nightly processing.

Synchronize intraday PMS refresh delivers a flexible way for revenue managers to accurately forecast and distribute optimal pricing based on real-time, data-guided decisions. This feature also highlights intraday pickup, transient ADR and other key metrics in a matter of minutes.

See what’s on the immediate horizon for your business with Synchronize

Total profit optimization has never been so simple. Synchronize allows hoteliers the ability to quickly align their PMS data with rainmaker and optimize their revenue management strategy in real-time. Automatically run an intraday PMS refresh at a pre-defined time or re-optimize your data independently of the intraday refresh, as necessary. It’ simple, quick and easy.

Benefits of Synchronize with intraday PMS refresh

Know your data and access it when you need to without having to wait for the standard PMS nightly optimization cycle to run. The Synchronize intraday PMS refresh updates actual on-the-books data at pre-defined times throughout the day. For example, if your pre-scheduled time is set to run at a four-hour interval, the PMS data will refresh starting four hours from the nightly optimization cycle. If the cycle completes at 4:50 a.m., the first refresh will occur at 8:50 a.m. Choose to automatically schedule your Synchronize intraday PMS refresh frequency when it is convenient for you.

Continue optimizing your data outside of the Synchronize intraday PMS refresh

Create on-demand, data-guided decisions throughout the day by continually re-optimizing your PMS data in Guestrev. Running a re-optimization will deliver an updated forecast and new recommended pricing based on the last update of your PMS refresh. Simply select the “optimize” icon in your Guestrev dashboard and optimize your latest PMS data in Guestrev.

rainmaker guestrev dashboard with mouse over optimization icon

Powerful new metrics

Align your forecast and pricing decisions with a powerful mix of new metrics that are available with Synchronize:

  • Intraday Group ADR: Average daily rate from group bookings since the last update.
  • Intraday Group Pickup: The number of rooms picked up from group bookings since the last update.
  • Intraday Total ADR: Average daily rate from transient and group bookings combined since the last update.
  • Intraday Total Pickup: Total number of rooms picked up since the last update.
  • Intraday Transient ADR: Average daily rate from transient bookings since the last update.
  • Intraday Transient Pickup: The number of rooms picked up from transient bookings since the last update.

Practical use cases for Synchronize:

Featured example #1:

  • A large event being hosted in your city is suddenly cancelled. When your PMS data in rainmaker is updated via a prescheduled Synchronize intraday refresh, you notice an unusual amount of cancellations for those specific dates. You trigger a Synchronize intraday optimization so rainmaker can provide updated pricing recommendations on those dates, allowing you to optimize your room rates relative to the fluctuating demand.

Featured example #2:

  • Your group rooms controller uploads a rooming list that is more than double the original group block. Your Synchronize intraday PMS refresh has already updated the information in rainmaker and now you want to see how that rooming list has impacted your total remaining yieldable capacity and determine if you need to run a Synchronize intraday optimization cycle with updated pricing recommendations.

If you’d like to learn more about Synchronize and how Guestrev RMS can help you, schedule a demo today!


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