The guest engagement recovery guide

Created in partnership with StayNTouch and TrustYou

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to wane, travelers are finally planning for trips that had been put off for a year ⼀ and in the process, positioning the hospitality industry for a major recovery. However for many hotel brands, occupancy and revenue continue to hover below their pre-pandemic peaks.

In this type of environment, it’s crucial that hotels maximize the total revenue potential of every guest who visits their property. And this means promoting guest engagement at every step of the guest journey:

According to Gallup, fully engaged hotel guests spend an average of $588 per stay, versus $403 per stay for guests who are actively disengaged.

When magnified to a hotel’s total customer base, this $188 dollar discrepancy can mean the difference between success and distress in the post-pandemic hospitality market.

How do we promote guest engagement? By leveraging processes and technologies that facilitate great hospitality and allow authentic “wow” moments to delight guests at every stage of the guest journey. In this article, we’ll explore how a nuanced guest profile, advanced communications and robust automation can promote engagement from pre-stay, to the actual guest experience, to post-stay interactions.


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